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Midults Q&A: ‘My husband is choosing his tennis club friends over me’

Do you have an issue that is troubling you? Our comfortingly grown-up advisors, The Midults, will offer their suggestions to readers’ dilemmas here on Wednesday, September 18, at 5pm.
So if you are suffering from friendship problems, relationship struggles, a family feud, or financial stress, share your problem in the comments section or via the form below.
Annabel Rivkin and Emilie McMeekan, The Midults, write a hugely popular column in the Sunday Telegraph. As journalists, worriers, and incredibly good friends, they are adept at offering the advice you need to hear.
Please share your dilemma below, anonymously if you wish.
You can view a selection of readers’ dilemmas below, which Annabel and Emilie will be responding to on Wednesday, September 18, at 5pm.
“Dear A&E: I’m 34 and a single man. Growing up, my siblings and I were very close (I have two sisters and a brother). Whereas my three siblings have established themselves in well-paid jobs and have partners, I travelled a lot in my 20s, had a lot of fun, and haven’t found the right person to settle down with. Each summer over the past few years, they have been returning to an expensive resort on a Greek island. I went the first year (it was as you would expect – heavenly) and they still invite me, but I can’t justify it every year, it’s out of my budget. I haven’t told them I can’t afford it overtly (although they probably can guess) yet I’m starting to resent them for not trying to accommodate me. Do I ask them to holiday somewhere cheaper, or accept that I’ll have to save up a few years before I can join them again?”
Read Annabel and Emilie’s response at 5 pm, September 18. You can share your thoughts in the comments section.
“Dear A&E, My best friend of over 30 years has become wealthy over the last five years. This is due to her husband running a successful building business, which I commend. The issue is not that I have turned into a green-eyed monster but the way she constantly flaunts her new flashy lifestyle, making constant reference to their abundance of money! I struggle financially, working full-time on a modest salary with a very basic lifestyle. Am I being unreasonable by not expecting her to order the most expensive dish on the menu and then splitting the bill, or constantly referring to her luxury lady-of-leisure lifestyle? I really value our friendship but just wish she was more thoughtful and sensitive.”
Read Annabel and Emilie’s response at 5 pm, September 18, and share your thoughts in the comments section.
“Dear A&E: My husband and I have a great relationship, but in recent months I’ve been feeling increasingly sidelined. We’re both busy people, but we used to enjoy a date night at least once a month, and would always spend one evening a week relaxing at home in front of the TV. This quality time has dwindled to one date night in over three months and practically no nights-in together. It’s mainly because he is spending time with new friends at the tennis club he’s joined (he’s always had friends, but I’ve always been a priority). I’ve kept my mouth closed up until now as I can see he’s happy, but I can feel the resentment brewing, and he’ll likely pick up on it soon. Should I tell him about my feelings, or let him enjoy his time with new friends in peace?”
Read Annabel and Emilie’s response at 5 pm, September 18, and share your thoughts in the comments section.
